Sunshine Blogger Award

I was presented with the Sunshine Blogger award by Victoria (you can read the post in question here). This award is to recognize any blogger whose content has shed a ray of sunshine into your day, even if only for a moment. Below are Victoria’s questions and my responses!

1. If you dress up for Halloween, cosplay, or other less commonly accepted occasions, describe your last two costumes.

Last Halloween I updated an assassin outfit I’d been adding to over the years. I added leather bracers and pauldrons as well as several hand-carved knives to the latest iteration. Before that I cosplayed as Zero, the Assassin from Borderlands 2 at a convention a few years back. Took me almost 6 months to pull that costume together, but toooootally worth it!


2. What movie or tv show would you consider a guilty pleasure?

Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. It is probably the dumbest movie I own, and I still find it hilarious every time I watch it.

3. If you could live in any fictional world (whether it’s yours or someone else’s creation), where would you live and why?

The world of Avatar (The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra), hands down. It speaks to my love of real world martial arts as well as my fantasy loving side. I’d love to help rebuild the air nation, see the world, and help connect the human world with the spirit world.

4. You’ve been imprisoned for high treason and have been sentenced to death and there is no chance that the governor is going to call. Describe in detail your last meal.

Crispy, homemade fried chicken, macaroni and cheese using my family’s recipe, biscuits and gravy…and now I’m hungry.

5. Answer one of these or both: Name your favorite Doctor on Doctor Who. Name your favorite James Bond.

Well I’ve never watched Dr. Who *prepares to dodge stones and bricks being hurled*, but I gotta go with Sean Connery.

6. If you could choose any piece of music or song to be your theme song, what would it be?

After nearly an hour of going through my music library, I’ll go with “This is War” by 30 Seconds to Mars (that answer will probably change every few weeks).

7. Concerning sleep, do you consider it a wondrous thing that you just can’t get enough of, or are you one of those “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” people?

I have a complicated relationship with sleep. I sleep with a mask attached to my face to keep my airway from collapsing while I sleep (insert joke about airway being too lazy to carry its own weight), so I’m more concerned with the quality of sleep than the amount.

8. Has any character that you’ve created ever done anything that took you by surprise?

Yes, two examples come to mind. To give details would be spoilers, but one has shown more plucky determination (earning a larger part than I originally intended) and the other followed his/her convictions to extremes that I thought were “over the line” for the character.

9. Describe something from a movie, book or tv where you would have written it better.

I’m actually drawing a blank on this one. There are a few things I can think that I would maybe change or write differently, but that’s due to my personal preference rather than it being “better” per say. (Cop out? Maybe, but I’m tired)

10. Are you a shipper? If so, name some of the ships that you love. (For example, if you watch the Flash and you think Barry and Caitlyn should get together, that means you are shipper for SnowBarry.)

Not really, but I’m not heavily into romantic plots/pairings in my genres of choice (harder sci-fi/fantasy). I feel that most of them tend to be a distraction at best, and forced at worst.

11. Sentence fragments. Love them or hate them?

I love them, because people don’t think in full sentences. (Although I’m biased since I’m writing in the first person). But I feel like well paced fragments can convey a frantic, interrupted or urgent tone very nicely.

And now I’m supposed to come up with 11 random questions myself.

  1. If you were challenged to a duel to the death tomorrow, what would your weapon of choice be? (That you actually have and could bring with you, sorry, no lightsabers unless you’ve invented one and not shared it with the world)
  2. What’s the most memorable compliment you’ve ever gotten?
  3. Do you have any funny nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
  4. If you could have any super power, what would you pick?
  5. If you had the above power, what would your hero/villain name be?
  6. If you could be famous for one thing, what would you want to be known for?
  7. What’s the last book/tv series (or season) that you finished?
  8. If you could take a week away from life and money was no object, where would you go?
  9. Do you have any tattoos? Or want to get any?
  10. In the last week has there been a song stuck in your head?
  11. Early bird or night owl?

And now I am forwarding this award to my fellow bloggers below:

Paula Simons of Beyond the Blue Coat

Katrina June over here

A. B. Penner over yonder

Phoebe Darqueling at For Whom the Gear Turns

J. K. Harrison at The Alchemy of Words

(You’re supposed to tag 11 other bloggers, but most of mine were stolen by Victoria)

One thought on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Sorry. I took all your blogger friends. It’s one of the perks of going first. I loved the answers to the questions. In fact your “last meal” is almost identical to mine. I am also a Borderlands fanatic.


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